6.01 of the International Constitution and Articles of Incorporation includes the following: "A chapter so established may exercise full power and authority over chapter business to the extent that the transaction of chapter business is consistent with the Constitution (Articles of Incorporation) and Bylaws of the International. Each chapter may adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business. Chapter government is responsible for the organization of corporate activities at the chapter level, including without limitations, the collection of International dues from its members overseeing the requirements of its membership and compliance by its members with the overall purpose of the International".
The California IV Chapter Bylaws will not supersede or conflict with the Blue Knights International Constitution and Bylaws.
The President of the Chapter will have the discretion and authority to establish committees, appoint members, and make assignments as he or she determines necessary to conduct business and maintain order. The Chairman of any committee may be asked for a report at any business meeting.
Officers and Directors will serve for a two-year term. All candidates must be nominated by a member at the October business meeting of each election-year. Elections will take place at the November business meeting and the new term will begin on January 1st.
Method of voting: October Meeting
a) If the person so nominated is present, he/she will be asked if he/she is willing to serve if so elected. If declined, the nomination will be null and void.b) If the person so nominated is not present, it shall be the responsibility of the person making the nomination to have contacted the nominee and secured his/her willingness to serve if so elected.c) If the nominating member has not and/or cannot immediately assure the members that the intended nominee is willing to serve if so elected, the nomination will be no and void.
a) The envelopes will bear the most current address of record.b) Contained therein will be voating instructions and self addressed stamped envelopes, in which the member is to return the completed ballot. Members are to carefully comply with the enclosed instructions.c) Ballots can be returned in person or via the USPS.
a) The secretary shall produce those sealed absentee ballots at the November general meeting.November Meeting
a) No member of the committee shall be a candidate for any of the positions on the ballot.b) The committee will be excused; will go to an area ordinarily used by our quartermaster where the votes for each position will be tallied.c) Members of the committee will then open the sealed envelopes and remove the ballots from the envelope.d) The ballots will be placed in one container and the now empty envelopes in another container.e) A committee member will enter the results of the voting on a tellers sheet.(Attachment 2) All committee members will sign the teller's sheet attesting to the accuracy of the results.f) The completed and signed tellers sheet's will then be delivered to the president.
The chapter dues are $20.00 Per year. They will be paid with the annual $30.00 international dues for a total of $50.00. Dues may be waived for a member under hardship conditions with majority approval of the chapter officers and Directors.
The chapter will have regular business meetings on the fourth Saturday of every month; However the president may change the date to meet the needs of the chapter members. Meetings are usually changed in November for the Thanksgiving holiday and are canceled in December for Christmas. The date, time, and location of all meetings will be determined by the president.
The Treasurer will maintain funds in an account for the Chapter Emergency Fund. These funds are available to any member, including his or her immediate family, for financial relief provided the incident occurred during a sanctioned and official trip or event previously announced to the chapter. Usually, the general membership will evaluate the circumstances, determine an amount, and vote to authorize any release at a general meeting. In an emergency, the president may determine an appropriate amount, not to exceed $500.00, and authorize an immediate release of the funds. The vice president will assume this authority in the absence of the president.
Amendments may only be made at the general meetings. Their proposed amendment will be submitted in writing and presented to the membership for a minimum of one month review period. Any amendment must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the members present.